⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Perfect 5-Star Rating, 70 Reviews! 📍 11 Kennedy Way, Belfast BT11 9AP, UK
📍 11 Kennedy Way, Belfast BT11 9AP, UK
Give two floats for double the relaxation, stress relief and extra benefits for the body, mind and spirit. You can share it, split the pack, or buy it to treat yourself. Don't miss out on the deepest relaxation available and a gift they'll remember throughout the new year! You might even introduce them to a transformative new wellness practice to be their best self!
Give two floats for double the relaxation, stress relief and extra benefits for the body, mind and spirit. You can share it, split the pack, or buy it to treat yourself. Don't miss out on the deepest relaxation available and a gift they'll remember throughout the new year! You might even introduce them to a transformative new wellness practice to be their best self!
Unique and Memorable Experience
Floating provides an experience and state of relaxation unlike anything else due to the weightlessness and sensory deprivation (no sound, no light, no pressures on the body - just peace). It will be a memorable experience your loved ones will rave about and may turn into a life-changing practice for their mind, body and spirit. Plus, studies have shown that we value experiences over material items, so a float will mean that much more to them!
Floating Gives You What You Need
There are a wide-range of benefits for the mind, body and spirit that can come from float therapy and many people (especially those who float on a regular basis) report that it can change each time. Feeling anxious? Have an injury or chronic pain? Stressed out from a work conflict or busy schedule? A float can help with all of that and studies are starting to prove it!
Quality Time & Space: Perfect Reset
We are all far too overloaded with information and sensory input... and these last few years have been especially tough. A float session can be that much-needed time and space away from it all to pause, reset and reconnect with ourselves. A time for peace, quiet, and relaxation that is unmatched. They'll come out of their session with a post-float glow feeling new again.
VIDEO: Click to watch
VIDEO: Click to watch
VIDEO: Click to watch
VIDEO: Click to watch
VIDEO: Click to watch
VIDEO: Click to watch
📍 11 Kennedy Way, Belfast BT11 9AP, UK
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Perfect 5-Star Rating, 70 Reviews! 📍 11 Kennedy Way, Belfast BT11 9AP, UK